Mass Ave Episode 113: Netflix Is Wrong About Net Neutrality


Mass Ave Episode 113: Netflix Is Wrong About Net Neutrality

Jul 10, 2017 1 min read

Commentary By

Tommy Binion

Former Vice President, Government Relations

Emily VanderBush

Former Communications Manager

The Robert H. Bruce Studio The Heritage Foundation

This week...

  • Amazon, Netflix, and other companies are preparing to fight to save net neutrality rules. Telecommunications scholar James Gattuso explains why the rules, which legally level internet traffic, can appear beneficial to companies but ultimately harm consumers and the market. Markets do not and should not treat services equally, and barring businesses from charging a premium or offering a discount removes the competition that benefits consumers.
  • Emily and Tommy talk Congressional recess and healthcare reform. Tommy is optimistic about Obamacare repeal, and tells Emily some reasons why.

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