Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Address Iran Strategy at Heritage

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Address Iran Strategy at Heritage

May 18, 2018 2 min read

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Address Iran Strategy at Heritage

Secretary Pompeo will chart the way forward for U.S. policy in the wake of the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action)

Press Contact: John Cooper, [email protected] or 202-675-1761

What: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Iran strategy policy address; Q&A with Heritage President Kay Coles James

When: Monday, May 21, 9:00 a.m. (arrival times and instructions for media outlets below)

Where: The Heritage Foundation, 214 Massachusetts Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation will welcome Secretary of State Mike Pompeo May 21 for his first public address on the Trump administration’s Iran strategy. The speech comes less than two weeks after Pres. Donald J. Trump’s May 8 announcement that the U.S. would withdraw from the flawed nuclear deal with “the world's leading state sponsor of terror.”

Following the speech, titled “After the Deal: A New Iran Strategy,” Secretary Pompeo will be joined on stage by Heritage Pres. Kay Coles James for a brief discussion.


Timeline, Instructions, and Ground Rules for Media Attending:

Broadcast and Cable News Outlets

  • Please arrive between 6:30-7:15 a.m. for preset and security sweep
  • News organizations will be limited to one camera


  • Please arrive between 6:30-7:15 a.m. for security sweep
  • Photographers will be required to be stationary for the duration of the speech and Q&A
  • Photographers will not be permitted to rove the aisles, the exception being State Department and Heritage photographers


  • Please arrive no later than 8:30 a.m.
  • Print reporters will have reserved seating in the venue

All media will be permitted to remain at Heritage to file their stories on site if needed.