Heritage Mourns Loss of Charles Krauthammer

Heritage Mourns Loss of Charles Krauthammer

Jun 21, 2018 1 min read

Photo Credit: Shealah Craighead

WASHINGTON – Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James today issued the following statement on the death of political commentator Charles Krauthammer:

"Charles Krauthammer was no ordinary columnist. He wielded his pen in the service of finding truth, not furthering politics. His thoughtful critiques did more than earn him a Pulitzer Prize–they broadened understanding, promoted civility, and always upheld integrity.

"In print, online, and at Fox News, Charles consistently raised the level of our political discourse. Not only did he have a unique ability to make the complex clear, he also had a wonderful way with words, cutting through hyperbole, and coining such lasting terms as 'The Reagan Doctrine' to describe President Reagan's policy of supporting anti-communist regimes abroad.

"Charles Krauthammer will long be remembered for challenging us to think more fully about the issues of the day and dig deeper to find the truth. For his many talents and his tremendous courage, we will miss him dearly."