December 4, 2018 The Philosophic Fight for the Future of America
Part of the speakers series "Free Markets: The Ethical Economic Choice"
Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Heritage Foundation
There is a philosophic battle being conducted at universities and in the media which will determine the future of our country. On one side are the defenders of the classical liberal position, best expressed in the Declaration of Independence, supporting the unalienable right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness “. On the other side are the statists of all political persuasions who believe highly educated elites working in government know what is best for all of us. Join us as John Allison examines the fundamental ideas underlying each of these positions and their implications for human flourishing.
For a complete list of speakers, topics, and dates of the Free Markets: The Ethical Economic Choice speaker series visit
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COMMENTARY 2 min read