An impassioned group of Senate Democrats, led by Minority Leader
Harry Reid (Nev.), has delivered an "Ides of March" ultimatum to
their Republican colleagues, predicting dire consequences should
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (Tenn.) seek to revise Senate
floor procedures in order to guarantee up-or-down votes on
President Bush's embattled nominees to the federal bench.
In an angry letter to Frist, Reid denounced the strategy
much-discussed among Senate Republicans to take away one of the
most powerful tools available to the legislative minority--the
filibuster--in the case of court nominations as "an unprecedented
abuse of power." Arguing that "the power to confirm judges includes
the right to use well-established Senate rules to reject nominees,"
Reid warned that, should Frist proceed, "the majority should not
expect to receive cooperation from the minority in the conduct of
Senate business."
Some press accounts have characterized Reid's threat as
encompassing all Senate business, even on the most mundane
procedural matters where the Senate can function only after
Republican leaders secure "unanimous consent" agreements from the
minority Democrats. Were this indeed the case, the Senate would
quickly become a moribund institution. Spending bills, treaties,
legislation and nominations all would fall by the wayside.
You may rejoice at the prospect of a dysfunctional Senate that
cannot ratify flawed treaties, enact massive spending bills or
further extend the reach of the federal government. But a close
reading of Reid's letter will bring you back down to earth. "Of
course," Reid assured Frist, "Democrats . . . will help ensure that
critical government services continue to function for the American
people." Translation: As emotionally distraught as the Democrats
may yet become over the diminishment of the filibuster, they will
bring the Senate to a halt only sparingly, i.e., when the business
before the Senate is something they would have assaulted with
filibusters, endless quorum calls and other stalling tactics,
On the Road Again
One bill expected to satisfy Reid's definition of legislation that
provides "critical government services" is the highway bill. That's
too bad, because federal surface transportation policy suffers
greatly from the inability of members from both parties to resist
the siren song of more federal transportation dollars. My Heritage
colleague Ron Utt points out that, despite hundreds of billions of
taxpayer dollars spent on roads, tunnels, mass transit projects and
bike trails over the last two decades, the amount of time the
average traveler spends in delays has almost tripled, from 16 to 46
hours annually.
One reason federal transportation dollars don't seem to go very
far is that Congress rarely misses an opportunity to designate
portions of your gas taxes--estimated at $41 billion annually--to
an ever-expanding list of other uses. Utt calculated that this
trend reached unprecedented levels in the House version of the
highway bill. That bill would siphon more than 40% of gas tax
revenues (approximately $17 billion per year) to non-highway uses
such as mass transit, biking and hiking programs, research centers,
landscaping, transportation museums, river walks and an initiative
to combat adolescent obesity.
With such a large proportion of gas tax revenue diverted to
non-highway uses, it's no wonder that many members of Congress feel
constrained by the President's insistence that federal surface
transportation programs receive only as much as the federal gas tax
generates--approximately $284 billion over the next six years. So
far, both the House and Senate public works committees have
complied with the President's request, but the Senate committee
chairman, conservative stalwart Sen. Jim Inhofe (R.-Okla.),
previewed an effort to add as much as $34 billion on the Senate
floor when he encouraged the President "to come up with a higher
figure" and urged the Senate Finance Committee to devise "creative"
ways to grow the revenues from the federal gas tax.
Sadly, the President's number itself is a rather dramatic increase
from the bottom line that prevailed only a year ago. Then, the
President won accolades from conservatives when he set the six-year
figure at $256 billion and told Congress the final bill should
satisfy three principles: There should be no increase in the gas
tax or other federal taxes.
Funding shouldn't come through bonding "or other mechanisms that
conceal the true cost to federal taxpayers."
Highway spending should be financed "from the Highway Trust Fund,
not the General Fund of the Treasury." These laudable principles
were absent from the message the President sent to Congress last
Though most of the attention has been on the size of the highway
bill, some members have been busy devising creative alternatives to
the current morass. Though relegated to the sidelines, it is worth
acknowledging them nonetheless.
Rep. Scott Garrett (R.-N.J.) has introduced legislation to allow
individual states to opt out of the federal highway program and its
attendant regulatory burdens, take control of the federal gas taxes
collected in their states and determine how the money is spent.
Rep. Jeff Flake (R.-Ariz.) introduced a similar proposal in the
last Congress. Finally, Rep. Mark Kennedy (R.-Minn.) has pushed
hard for demonstration programs to encourage greater use of market
incentives and the private sector in road construction and
Mr. Franc, who
has held a number of positions on Capitol Hill, is vice president
of Government Relations at The Heritage Foundation.
First appeared in Human Events