Alan Greenspan is the latest notable
Washington expert to tell us that Social Security and Medicare need
to be fixed - and soon. The question is, which first? Congress
should start where there is vision, opportunity and leadership.
George W. Bush provided the opportunity to fix Social Security and
is pushing for reform using the considerable resources of the
Some, however, argue that Congress should start with Medicare
because its problems are bigger and start sooner. Fine, let's start
by not making a bad problem worse. The new drug benefit, which will
add more than $8 trillion to the nation's debt, takes effect next
year. Congress should repeal this entitlement and keep the existing
prescription cards in place so that low-income seniors get the help
they need. Then Congress should fix Social Security.
Social Security is easier to fix. It suffers from two problems:
numbers and ownership. The program is heading toward insolvency
because of an aging population and unaffordable benefit growth.
High payroll taxes prevent many people from accumulating savings
for retirement. And even those who disagree know what the possible
solutions are. So why delay?
The best solution would bring ownership, control and choice to
millions of families while limiting unaffordable benefit growth to
something the system can afford to pay.
Medicare is harder: We don't fully understand all of the problems,
let alone the possible solutions.
So let's capitalize on the president's vision and fix Social
Security first. This won't be easy, however; we've all heard the
hand-wringing, partisan bickering and ideological angst. All this
when we know what the solutions are. Imagine trying to fix Medicare
in such an environment.
The president's continued firm leadership is critical, for the
American people and Congress. Congress should join him and fix
Social Security's two problems to demonstrate to the American
people that it can work in a bipartisan way to solve the easy
problem. Then it should use that success to build momentum before
tackling the greater problem of Medicare.
Acosta Fraser is director of the Roe Institute
for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation
First appeared in USA Today