They say there are really three political parties on Capitol
Hill: Democrats, Republicans and appropriators.
Members who gain admittance to the exclusive confines of the House
and Senate appropriations committees, even those with track records
as fiscal conservatives, often evolve into apologists for increased
spending on failed programs or for wasteful pork projects. In
recent years, appropriators have emerged as a solid bloc of
opposition votes to conservative efforts to fix the budget process
and require that so-called "emergency" spending be offset with cuts
to programs elsewhere in the budget.
Little wonder, then, that House leaders screened the three
candidates for House Appropriations chairman so carefully last
year. Significantly, the eventual winner, California Republican
Jerry Lewis, mounted a surprisingly unabashed campaign to convince
his colleagues that he would use his chairmanship to limit federal
spending. To underscore the point, Lewis even handed colleagues a
reprint of a "Jerry Lewis for Congress" campaign poster from his
inaugural run for Congress in 1978.
Lewis, who chaired the Appropriations Subcommittee on VA-HUD and
Independent Agencies during the first four years of the post-1994
Republican Congress, reminded members that he cut almost $20
billion from politically sensitive housing programs in 1995 and
1996, and that he even subjected outmoded defense programs to the
budget knife while serving as chairman of the Defense
Now Lewis appears poised to usher in the most radical
reconfiguration of the Appropriations Committee in many decades. He
may propose to eliminate three of the 13 spending subcommittees and
realign the jurisdiction of the remaining subcommittees to comport
with the Republicans' stated desire to rein in spending. One part
of his plan would place NASA in the same bill as energy and water
programs, rather than have it compete with veterans programs.
Another would move the EPA budget to the same bill that funds
national parks and forest programs. Proponents quietly hope that
these changes will improve the likelihood that some of the most
explosive areas of spending growth will be restrained.
These changes are no silver bullet, of course. But it sounds as if
the new House Appropriations Committee chairman is serious about
putting Uncle Sam on a diet.
Social Security Strategizing
Congressional Republicans who attended the annual retreat at the
Greenbrier resort in West Virginia spent more time discussing the
forthcoming battle over Social Security reform than any other
issue. President Bush, who spoke privately to the members after
brief public remarks, made an impassioned case that Congress has a
moral imperative to reform the troubled program now and not saddle
future generations with the unsustainable cost of caring for the
baby boomers. His remarks, which were echoed by House and Senate
leaders, put to rest lingering doubts among certain queasy
Republicans that he would leave the heavy lifting to Congress and
not put the full weight of his presidency behind the reform
Members were particularly encouraged to learn that the President
would deliver five carefully targeted public speeches to build
public support for his reform agenda. The locales--Great Falls,
Mont., Fargo, N.D., Omaha, Neb., Little Rock, Ark., and Tampa,
Fla.--happen to be in the states of six Democratic senators who
frequently appear on lists of Democrats who might, under certain
circumstances, entertain Social Security reform that includes
personal accounts. Three of these targets--Nebraska's Ben Nelson,
Florida's Bill Nelson and North Dakota's Kent Conrad--face
re-election in 2006. This aggressive strategy is reminiscent of how
Bush campaigned for Republican candidates during the 2002 mid-term
elections and likely will build an enormous reservoir of good will
among members that Bush may need to call upon should the going get
tough down the road.
The two principal architects of the GOP's Social Security message,
Rep. Deborah Pryce, the chairman of the House Republican
Conference, and her Senate counterpart, Pennsylvania's Rick
Santorum, distributed a 103-page document to their colleagues
setting forth a comprehensive list of the arguments on behalf of
Mr. Franc, who
has held a number of positions on Capitol Hill, is vice president
of Government Relations at The Heritage Foundation.
First appeared in Human Events