Could conservative lawmakers wind up in a confrontation with
President Bush on an issue concerning, of all things, national
sovereignty? An issue that emerged during the confirmation hearing
for Condoleezza Rice suggests that they might.
During her hearing, the committee chairman, Indiana Republican
Richard Lugar, asked Rice whether, as secretary of State, she would
seek ratification of the Law of the Sea Treaty, a pact negotiated
during the 1970s and rejected by President Ronald Reagan in 1982.
The treaty "serves our national security interests, serves our
economic interests," Rice replied. "And we very much want to see it
go into force."
With those words, Rice set off a series of alarm bells in
conservative quarters and among conservative lawmakers on both
sides of Capitol Hill.
Briefly, the Law of the Sea Treaty emerged from the United Nations
in 1982 and established a method for governing activities on, over
and beneath the ocean's surface. The treaty regulates deep-sea
mining and includes provisions that redistribute wealth derived
from these activities to underdeveloped countries.
Peter Leitner of George Mason University summarized the
conservative critique of the treaty in testimony before a
congressional committee last year. Homing in on the treaty's
creation of the International Seabed Authority, an international
bureaucracy he characterized as "a seagoing government …
composed of a legislature, an executive, a judiciary, a
secretariat, and several powerful commissions," Leitner asserted
"The American people have little to gain and much to lose by
acquiescing in and supporting the creation of a new
super-government--the International Seabed Authority
(ISA)--empowered to control access to the resources on and below
the seabed, previously freely available to us under customary
international law. … The existence of such a new force,
dominated by nations hostile to American interests, is a fact that
we must consciously reckon with and not capitulate in."
Treaty Provisions
Conservatives both on and off the Hill point to a number of ominous
precedents in the treaty. Among other things, it: 1) vests the
Seabed Authority with the power to impose fees on U.S. taxpayers
when American firms remove resources from the seabed; 2) imposes
constraints on U.S. intelligence-gathering capabilities and the
President's all-important Proliferation Security Initiative; and 3)
claims the Seabed Authority's jurisdiction extends to commercial
activities conducted onshore.
That last concern stems from the Authority's 2001 ruling that it
had jurisdiction to decide Ireland's request for a restraining
order in a case involving a nuclear reprocessing plant operated on
British soil.
Three Senators Complain
In an extraordinary January 18 letter to the Government
Accountability Office, three of the treaty's leading Republican
opponents in the Senate, Oklahoma's Jim Inhofe, Arizona's Jon Kyl
and Alabama's Jeff Sessions, asked the GAO to assess the treaty's
potential impact "upon our ability to respond quickly and
effectively to new security challenges like catastrophic terrorism,
and prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
to terrorists." The senators posed 35 additional questions to the
GAO on many other potential areas of concern.
The deck may be stacked in favor of the treaty's ratification, with
Vice President Cheney, Chairman Lugar, the oil industry and the
Navy all purportedly lined up in support. But determined opposition
from a handful of senators and conservative policy wonks in
Washington halted the treaty's march to ratification last year.
Bringing millions of conservative grassroots activists into the
equation through a concerted education campaign, however, could
counter all of the treaty's built-in advantages.
If conservatives outside of Washington take the time to study the
treaty and its ramifications, the ratification battle could turn
into a replay of the bruising battle over the Panama Canal Treaty a
generation ago. Significantly, senators who harbor presidential
aspirations will have to take a stand on an issue with the
potential either to enrage or appeal to conservative primary voters
in 2008.
Stay tuned.
Tsunami Aid vs. Spending Cut
Sometime this month, Congress will consider a relief package of up
to $700 million for the victims of the tsunami that ravaged South
Asia late last year. The decision to provide direct governmental
aid to the victims is non-controversial, but the related question
of whether to offset the cost by reducing other federal
expenditures promises to provoke a heated debate.
Fiscal conservatives want the House to return to its practice of
offsetting unanticipated, or "emergency," spending by cutting
other, less essential programs. These House members appear poised
to offer an amendment to the relief package that would re-establish
this sound practice, either through an across-the-board cut of less
than 1% or, alternatively, by requiring each agency head to review
his budget and designate programs from which that agency's
"donation" would come. That way, the contribution from the American
government would come from previously appropriated funds and not
force taxpayers--who have already contributed hundreds of millions
of their own hard-earned dollars to private relief
organizations--to contribute twice.
Mr. Franc, who
has held a number of positions on Capitol Hill, is vice president
of Government Relations at The Heritage Foundation.
First appeared in Human Events