Can pork kill? Pork-barrel spending, to be
exact. Experts typically view the thousands of special earmarked
projects in appropriations bills--which have exploded both in
number and dollar amount since Republicans gained control of
Congress in 1994--to be a nuisance, but relatively harmless. Sure,
they illustrate the insatiable hunger among members of all
ideological persuasions for big government. Naturally, they're
wasteful and bloat the overall level of federal spending. But
nobody incurs real, literal pain--or dies--when Congress sends
taxpayer dollars to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Ohio or
horn-fly research in Alabama, right?
Maybe not. Until now, that is.
"Defense analysts," Congress Daily reported recently, "say
members of Congress might have inadvertently robbed the Army and
Marines of resources to build up their stock of up-armored Humvees
and other equipment needed to fight an increasingly violent Iraqi
insurgency" by insisting on $9 billion in targeted spending on such
frivolous items as a biathlon jogging track, the Lewis and Clark
Bicentennial celebration, and the maintenance of a parade ground on
a shuttered military base.
Congress offset this spending through an across-the-board cut that
touched virtually every part of the DOD budget, including $300
million from the procurement accounts that fund body armor, armor
kits, Humvees and other military vehicles used in Iraq, and $411
million from the operations and maintenance budget. Some
Gunning for Gonzales: President Bush's nomination of White
House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to become the next attorney general
likely will encounter turbulence from Senate Democrats due to
Gonzales's role in drafting the Bush Administration's legal memo on
the treatment of terrorist detainees from al Qaeda and the Taliban.
These terrorists should be denied the privileges and immunities
that the Geneva Convention accords traditional prisoners of war,
the memo concludes.
Gonzales reasoned that the convention applies only to uniformed
soldiers from nations that have signed the Geneva Convention and
who adhere to its protections and behaviors. Al Qaeda terrorists,
by contrast, violate the convention in every conceivable way. They
belong to no identifiable state, wear no military uniforms or
insignias, launch deadly attacks from mosques, hospitals, and
schools, feign surrender and then open fire against U.S. forces,
and murder (often through gruesome beheadings) hostages.
Democratic senators on the Judiciary Committee will attribute the
Abu Ghraib abuses to Gonzales, arguing that his legal guidance
created a climate that invited abuse. But expect some Republican
senators on the panel to turn these attacks on their head and list
the specific protections and guarantees the convention offers to
prisoners and ask their Democratic brethren whether they really
want these privileges to apply to al Qaeda murderers. Specifically,
the convention guarantees that prisoners
- Should be "entirely protected from dampness."
- Must have access to commissaries and canteens.
- Are entitled to "a monthly advance of pay" convertible into the
currency of the nation holding them and set at pre-determined
levels according to the prisoner's rank.
- Must be allowed to receive "foodstuffs, clothing, medical supplies and articles of a religious, educational or recreational character which may meet their needs, including books, devotional articles, scientific equipment, examination papers, musical instruments, sports outfits and materials allowing prisoners of war to pursue their studies or their cultural activities."
One suspects that no politician would want to be associated with
extending these sorts of privileges to the colleagues of those who
committed the 9/11 atrocities--and that the attacks on Gonzales
will fall flat.
Land of the Free?: The Heritage Foundation and the Wall
Street Journal have just released the 11th edition of their
annual "Index of
Economic Freedom," an exhaustive assessment of 50 measures of
economic freedom in 161 countries, all divided into 10 broad
categories such as tax burden, trade policy, regulatory policy and
property rights.
The big story emerging from this year's edition is that the heavy
fiscal burden in the United States increasingly threatens our
ability to compete internationally. The time is right for U.S.
lawmakers to enact fundamental tax reform that eliminates the
double taxation of income and reduces marginal tax rates, and to
reduce the fiscal burden from entitlement programs such as Social
Security and Medicare, and limit the size and scope of our
The U.S. now ranks 12th among the world's freest economies, down
from 5th as recently as 1998. Though the U.S. received the same
overall score as in previous years, other nations have vaulted past
the U.S. by taking aggressive steps to lower the top marginal tax
rates on corporate and individual income and by shrinking the size
of government relative to the economy.
Specifically, the top U.S. corporate tax rate of 35% places us
112th in the world. Our equally burdensome top rate of 35% on
individual income leaves us at 82nd in that crucial category. The
overall fiscal burden in the U.S. places us in a tie at 102nd
behind such economic powerhouses as Haiti, Mexico, Swaziland,
Bangladesh, and Albania.
The old class warfare battles are passé in this new
international environment. After all, when the top corporate and
individual tax rates in Albania are fully 10 points lower than the
top rates here, we know we have a problem.
Mr. Franc, who
has held a number of positions on Capitol Hill, is vice president
of Government Relations at The Heritage Foundation.
First appeared in Human Events