Chances are, something that looks and sounds like a war is, in
fact, a war.
Critics dismiss the notion that we should, or even can be, at war
with terrorists. They argue that there's no universally agreed-upon
definition of terrorism -- that you can't have a war without a
clear enemy. Combating terrorists, they insist, isn't primarily a
military task but a matter of law enforcement, diplomacy and
These are interesting academic arguments. But they're not grounded
in reality.
First, the terrorists don't seem bothered by the lack of
definitional clarity. They are most certainly at war with us.
Second, our military is clearly at war. We've needed U.S. troops
to destroy al Qaeda sanctuaries in Afghanistan, provide security in
postwar Iraq, hunt down terrorist cells in the Horn of Africa,
supply security assistance and training in Southeast Asia, and
protect infrastructure and points of entry at home.
The future promises more of the same. That's why we need to think
hard about the military we need to fight this war.
Much of the heavy lifting has been done by the military's reserve
components, the National Guard and Army, Navy, Marine and Air Force
Reserves. These men and women are the descendents of the colonial
militia, folks with regular jobs who are called to active service
when needed. They're employers and employees, family and neighbors.
And they've been called up in numbers unprecedented since World War
Today, more than 194,000 of these citizen-soldiers are deployed
worldwide. Some have faced unexpected deployments, back-to-back
overseas tours and involuntary extensions. A serious strain is
starting to show.
Using part-time soldiers full-time, all the time, will break the
force. The Pentagon and Congress plan to spend the months ahead
looking for solutions. Proposals range from reinstating the draft
to hiring tens of thousands of additional full-time soldiers.
The right answer is to restructure and adequately fund the reserves
so they can provide the extra forces when the nation needs them.
That will require ignoring popular myths used to block reform in
the past.
Myth #1: "Reserves should be called up only in times of
national peril to fight in conventional wars." There is no
difference between active and reserve soldiers. They're all
professionals. They all serve when the nation needs them, for the
missions the nation requires, whether it is assaulting a beach or
guarding an airport.
Myth #2: "Frequent use of the reserves will cause dramatic
drops in recruiting and retention." It depends. Most reserves find
active-duty deployments rewarding. Re-enlistments frequently
increase when troops return home. Advance notice of deployment,
fair benefits and strong family-support programs also help.
Retention problems generally occur when units are misused or forced
into frequent back-to-back deployments, problems that could be
solved by properly organizing forces and making a larger base of
reserve units available for active duty.
Myth #3: "It takes too long to mobilize reserves." Our
ability to call up troops quickly is limited only by how much we've
prepared beforehand. For example, many deployments are slowed
because of the time it takes to ensure soldiers are medically
qualified. Reserve soldiers receive medical and dental check-ups
only once every five years, and if there's a problem, the military
is forbidden to spend any money to correct it until the troops are
ordered overseas. If the Pentagon wants reserves to mobilize
faster, it should give them the resources and authority to do
Myth #4: "Reserve troops should be used only to protect
the homeland." National Guard forces always will play an important
role support preventing or responding to terrorist attacks, but we
can't afford two armies. The answer is making sure we have troops
that can support both contingencies.
Myth #5: "The Reserves don't need to change." Many of the
policies and structures governing the reserves predate the Cold
War, a time when our troops were rarely called to active duty in
large numbers. After the Soviet Union collapsed, the number of
soldiers serving full-time was cut dramatically, placing more
strain on the reserves. The fact that policies and organizations
haven't kept up was unimportant when these troops weren't being
used all the time. But times have changed -- and so must the
We're at war, and our reserve forces remain ready to serve. But a
protracted war on terrorism requires fundamental reforms -- and the
political will to make them.
Jay Carafano is the Senior Fellow for Defense and
Homeland Security at the Heritage Foundation and the author of
Waltzing into The Cold War: The Struggle for Occupied
First appeared in Knight-Ridder Tribune.