Lt. Gen. Tom Spoehr Responds to Trump Defense Budget Announcement

Lt. Gen. Tom Spoehr Responds to Trump Defense Budget Announcement

Oct 26, 2018 1 min read

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Heritage Foundation's Tom Spoehr, director of Heritage's Center for National Defense, released the following statement in response to the news that the Trump administration has established the 2020 defense budget topline at $700 billion, which would be the first cut to defense spending during Pres. Trump's time in office:

“America needs to be as serious about investing in our military as our enemies are invested in theirs. Today’s announcement is yet more evidence that the United States does not possess that same seriousness, even as we enter a new era of great-power competition.


“As Heritage’s 2019 ‘Index of U.S. Military Strength’ makes clear, the U.S. military is mired in a serious readiness crisis, and is unable to modernize for the future. No defense budget should be held hostage by political games or lack of leadership. Disastrous spending caps mandated by the Budget Control Act, excessive reliance on OCO, and the department’s acceptance of stagnant budget growth are all preventing the military from regaining the strength it needs to defend the nation.


“The past two years of budget increases, while necessary, are not nearly enough to alleviate these crises. Rebuilding our military will take years and require sustained commitment. If Pres. Trump is truly devoted to 'making the military great again,' he needs to lead on this issue and work with Congress to ensure we maintain that positive trajectory, and ensure our role as the world’s leading superpower for decades to come.”

To arrange an interview with Lt. Gen. Spoehr, contact Senior Communications Manager John Cooper, [email protected]