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Displaying 577 - 588 of 930 Results


Who Benefits From the New Overtime Regulations? A Data Analysis ofthe U.S. De... Kirk A. Johnson, Ph.D.

Aug 16, 2004 35 min read


The Decline and Fall of the Right to Property: Government as Universal Landlord Edward J Erler, Ph.D.

Oct 19, 2007 About an hour read


A Brief History of Individual Rights Joseph Loconte, Ph.D.

Dec 17, 2021 8 min read


What the Left Will Never Understand About Capitalism Richard Reinsch

Jan 19, 2022 8 min read


Bad Intentions: The Immigration Order, the Judicial Power, and the Rule of Law Carson Holloway, Ph.D.

Apr 28, 2017 9 min read


Bad Intentions: The Immigration Order, the Judicial Power, and the Rule of Law Carson Holloway, Ph.D.

May 3, 2017 9 min read