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Displaying 793 - 804 of 13307 Results


The Real Budgetary Impact of the House and Senate Health Bills James C. Capretta

Jan 14, 2010 5 min read


Reforming Medicare: What Congress Can Learn from the Health Plansof America's... Brenda Fitzgerald, M.D.

Oct 30, 1995 About an hour read


Edmund Haislmaier

Ed is an expert in health care policy and frequently is asked to help lawmakers desig...


The Voinovich-Bingaman Bill: Letting the States Take the Lead inExtending Hea... Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D.

Jun 15, 2006 5 min read


Recent Survey Points to Affordable Individual Health Insurance James Frogue

Apr 17, 2001 4 min read


The Baucus Health Bill: A Medicare Physician Payment Shell Game Dennis G. Smith

Sep 25, 2009 5 min read