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Displaying 25909 - 25920 of 39627 Results

Ana Rosa Quintana

Ana Rosa Quintana led The Heritage Foundation’s efforts on U.S. policy toward Latin A...

James M. Roberts

James M. Roberts' primary responsibility was to edit the Rule of Law and Monetary Fre...


Rachel Sheffield @RachelSheffiel2

Rachel Sheffield is a Research Fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Health ...

Elizabeth Slattery @EHSlattery

Elizabeth Slattery researches and writes on the rule of law, separation of powers, ci...


Jack Spencer

Jack Spencer is a Senior Research Fellow for Energy and Environmental Policy at The H...

Thomas Spoehr @TomSpoehr

Thomas W. Spoehr conducted and supervised research on national defense matters.


Strong Majority Oppose Transgender Bathroom Laws

May 26, 2016 1 min read