Balbina Hwang

Balbina Y. Hwang

Former Senior Policy Analyst

Balbina is a former Senior Policy Analyst

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The U.S.-Japan Ministerial Talks: Focus on a New SecurityRelationship Balbina Y. Hwang, Ph.D.

Feb 18, 2005 4 min read


Spotlight on the North Korean Human Rights Act: CorrectingMisperceptions Balbina Y. Hwang, Ph.D.

Feb 10, 2005 14 min read


Minding the Gap: Improving U.S.-ROK Relations Balbina Y. Hwang, Ph.D.

Dec 21, 2004 14 min read


The Evolution of the U.S.-Japan Alliance and Future Prospects Balbina Y. Hwang, Ph.D.

Dec 21, 2004 6 min read


A New Security Agenda for the U.S.-Japan Alliance Balbina Y. Hwang, Ph.D.

Apr 26, 2004 31 min read


The Elections in South Korea: A Victory for the Electoral Process Balbina Y. Hwang, Ph.D.

Apr 19, 2004 3 min read


The Impeachment of President Roh: What's Next for South Korea? Balbina Y. Hwang, Ph.D.

Mar 12, 2004 2 min read


The Six-Party Talks: Keeping Diplomacy Alive Balbina Y. Hwang, Ph.D.

Feb 23, 2004 3 min read