Simon Hankinson

Simon Hankinson

Senior Research Fellow, Border Security and Immigration Center

Areas of Expertise

  • Border Security

Simon is a Senior Research Fellow in the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation.

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Simon Hankinson is a Senior Research Fellow in the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation.

From 1999–2023, he was a Foreign Service Officer serving in India, Fiji, Ghana, Slovakia, Togo, Washington, D.C., Marseille, and Nairobi. Prior to entering the State Department, Hankinson worked as a lawyer in London, and then taught history, English, and drama at a private school in Miami.

Hankinson holds a master’s degree in Modern History from St. Andrews, Scotland, a degree from the College of Law in London, and a master’s degree in International Security Affairs from the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.

Originally from London, England, he now resides in Virginia with his wife.