Border Security


Border Security

Congress and the Administration must start pursuing fair and practical solutions to America’s broken immigration system and porous borders. Learn more with Solutions.


Senate Negotiations Border Security Coalition Letter Dec. 2023


Memorandum: Tracking Movement of Illegal Aliens from NGOs to Interior of USA


20 Ways States Can Prevent Illegal Immigration: View the Booklet


Illegal Alien Encounters Surge and Shift Under Biden: View the Data Visualization


Major Spike in Convicted-Criminal-Alien Encounters by U.S. Border Patrol: View the Data Visualization 


The Inventor and the Border Patrol Commissioner

What happened in the transition from Trump to Biden? We talk to former Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection



The Rancher and the ICE Director

Were things on the border always so dysfunctional? Tom Homan, former Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement



The Toledo War

Over the last few years, our countrys southern border has seen unprecedented amounts of illegal crossings, human trafficking
