States of success.
As NRO readers
know, this week marks the tenth anniversary of
the passage of welfare reform, which remains one of the best
public-policy success stories of the past decade. However, the
drumbeat of revisionist history has begun.
Many critics of welfare reform, including columnist Clarence Page,
are giving the economy credit for the impressive welfare caseload
declines. However, their reasoning is faulty. History indicates the
strength of the economy has only a limited effect on welfare
caseloads. More importantly, recent data clearly indicate that
state policies, made possible due to welfare reform, are largely
responsible for the substantial reduction in the welfare
When the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act (PROWRA) was signed in 1996, it ended the
entitlement status of Aid to Families with Dependant Children
(AFDC) and converted federal welfare funding into a block grant.
The federal law also required states to reduce their caseloads and
imposed work standards on state governments, insisting that they
require a certain portion of their welfare caseloads to work or
prepare for work. However, states were given considerable latitude
on how to implement these standards.
It should come as no surprise that some states have enjoyed more
success than others in moving people from welfare to work. Between
August 1996 and August 2002, welfare caseloads declined by about 54
percent nationally. However, Wyoming was able to reduce its welfare
caseloads by over 90 percent while Indiana actually saw its
caseload levels increase by 1 percent over the same
Now, it is true the economy has performed well since the mid 1990s
and many have argued that the economic boom is responsible for the
welfare caseload declines. However, a recent study by the
Heritage Foundation refutes that notion. The study
examines the magnitude of welfare caseload declines in all 50
states between 1996 and 2002. It finds that the strength of the
economy has had only a marginal impact on the number of individuals
receiving welfare. In fact, the regression model predicts that the
decline in welfare caseloads would only be 1 percentage point
greater in a state with above-average economic growth than in a
state with a below-average growth.
Additionally, historical evidence shows that the economy has had
only a limited impact on the number of people receiving welfare.
For instance, between 1983 and 1989 the economy grew at a brisk
rate. However, the number of AFDC recipients actually increased
during that time. Likewise, the economy boomed during the 1960s,
but welfare caseloads soared largely because benefits became more
If the strong economy isn't responsible for the decline in welfare
caseloads during the past ten years, what is? The Heritage study
provides some insights. The strength of state-sanctioning policies,
for example, substantially affects the size of state-caseload
declines. PRWORA gave states the flexibility to sanction welfare
recipients who didn't comply with mandatory work activities. Some
states proceeded to adopt tough sanctions that made welfare
recipients ineligible for benefits at the first instance of
noncompliance. Conversely, other states imposed weak sanctions that
allowed welfare recipients to keep a substantial portion of their
welfare benefits regardless of their conduct.
The results of the Heritage study indicate that these sanctioning
policies played a major role in explaining state caseload declines.
Holding other factors constant, a state that adopted a strict
sanctioning policy for six years would experience a welfare
caseload decline more than 18 percentage points greater than a
state that implemented a weak sanction for six years.
Overall, evidence from both before and after 1996 proves the
critics of welfare reform wrong. The strength of the economy has
only a limited impact on the number of people receiving welfare.
Indeed, the success of welfare reform is neatly demonstrated by the
experiences of the different states. Many states used their
newfound freedom to implement innovative reforms to move people
away from welfare and toward self sufficiency. As such, while
future debates in Congress over the reauthorization of welfare
reform will merit close scrutiny, upcoming debates in state
legislatures may carry even greater importance.
Michael J. New is a visiting fellow at the Heritage
Foundation and an assistant professor at the University of
First appeared in the National Review Online